Georgi Y Johnson

Nondual Therapist Chashymie
Work POB 1731 Ha Sukkah 57 POB 1731 Choose From Zichron Yaakov Non US or Canadian State/Province 3093857 Israel Cell Phone: +972524297196 Website: I AM HERE Website: Chashymie Website: Nondual Therapy: The Psychology of Awakening
Photo of Georgi Y Johnson

Biographical Info

[mk_button dimension=”three” size=”medium” outline_skin=”dark” bg_color=”#00c8d7″ text_color=”light” icon=”moon-quill” url=”Button URL” target=”_self” align=”left” id=”Buton ID” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”15″]Also Online[/mk_button]Georgi Y. Johnson graduated from Oxford University with a determination to explore the mysteries of conscious awareness through mind, heart and body. Together with her partner Bart ten Berge she has an international teaching and healing practice in Nondual Therapy and Spiritual Psychology.

Georgi’s is the author of Nondual Therapy – The Psychology of Awakening. Her other books include I AM HERE – Opening the Windows of Life & Beauty. This is a study for advanced meditators on the three subtle vibrations of perception: consciousness, awareness and emptiness (mind, heart, body). The study has had a transformational impact in liberating blind-spots in the psyche for spiritual seekers around the world.

An active poet, Georgi’s work is also featured in several anthologies of spiritual poetry, including: Into the Further Reaches and Diamond Cutters.

Georgi offers sessions for consultation and mentorship in person and online. Find out more here.


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